funnyloveWhat do squirrels give each other for Valentine’s Day?
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp.
cleanlogicsimpletrickyIf 20 blackbirds are on a fence and you shoot one, how many remain?
None, they would all fly away from the sound of the shot.
interviewcleansimpleWhat is unusual about the following words: revive, banana, grammar, voodoo, assess, potato, dresser, uneven?
Take the first letter of each word and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backwards.
funnyBuy me, deliver me or even smell me, I won’t change! I will remain same!
Cent, Sent and Scent.
cleanfunnylogicYou leave home, make three left turns, and return home where you find two men wearing masks. Who are they?
A catcher and an umpire.
funnyWhat did the chewing gum say to the shoe?
I'm stuck on you.
cleanwhat am IsimplelogicI create my lair with earthen string and dispatch my prey with a biting sting. What am I?
A spider.
funnyWhat city has no people?
cleanfunnyTeddy bears are never hungry because they are always what?