cleansimplelogicCan you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
logicwhat am IcleverI am a vehicle. I spell the same when you read me forwards as well as backwards. What Am I?
Race car.
cleanwhat am IsimplecleverI do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal every day. What am I?
A plant (photosynthesis).
cleanIn which place are you silent?
In the building ("u" is silent in pronouncing "building".
funnyWhy didn't the hot-dog star in the movies?
The rolls weren't good enough.
cleansimpleWhat tastes better than it smells?
punnysimplecleanWhat's orange and sounds like 'parrot'?
A carrot.
cleanwhat am IsimplelogicIts ready to walk when I'm all tied up, but really should stop when I'm untied. What am I?
crazyfunnyWhat did the banana do when it heard the ice scream?
It split.
funnyloveWhat do squirrels give each other for Valentine’s Day?