funny punny Where do fish keep their money?
In the river bank.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny crazy What is a fish without an eye?
Show me the answer Share riddle funny crazy Why does the sea twinkle?
It was full of starfish.
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funny There is a kind of fish that can never swim. What is that?
Dead fish.
Show me the answer Share riddle crazy funny Which is the most precious fish?
The gold fish.
Show me the answer Share riddle crazy funny What fish can help you to build a house?
A hammerhead shark.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean poems clever simple Alive as you but without breath,
As cold in my life as in my death;
Never a thirst though I always drink,
Dressed in a mail but never a clink.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny Why is there a halo in the water?
There is an angelfish there!
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic simple clever Two fathers and two sons went fishing one day. They were there the whole day and only caught 3 fish. One father said, that is enough for all of us, we will have one each. How can this be possible?
There was the father, his son, and his son's son. This equals 2 fathers and 2 sons for a total of 3!
Show me the answer Share riddle clever funny Where do fish deposit their money?
On the river bank.
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