logic what am I poems simple Only one color, but not one size.
Stuck at the bottom, yet I easily fly.
Present in sun, but not in rain.
Doing no harm, and feeling no pain.
What Am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean simple What is as big as you are and yet does not weigh anything?
Show me the answer Share riddle who am I I am as big as you are, but I am weightless. Who am I?
My shadow.
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clean simple scary Each morning I appear to lie at your feet. All day I will follow no matter how fast you run, yet I nearly perish in the midday sun.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic mystery what am I I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me.
What am I?
A shadow.
Show me the answer Share riddle logic simple who am I clean If will follow you for 1000 miles but not miss home. It desires neither food nor flowers. It fears not water, fire, knives, nor soldiers. But it disappears when the sun sets behind the western mountains. Who Am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic simple I follow you all day long,
But when the night or rain comes,
I am all gone.
A shadow.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean simple Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?
A shadow.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean simple What can be as big as an elephant but weigh nothing?
Its shadow.
Show me the answer Share riddle mystery what am I Everyone has me but nobody can lose me. What am I?
A shadow
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