Riddles about games


I am in a land where thirty men and two women were dressed in classic black and white dress. They began to fight as soon as any of them moves. Where am I ?
In a Chess board.
74.83 %
62 votes

You can easily "tile" an 8x8 chessboard with 32 2x1 tiles, meaning that you can place these 32 tiles on the board and cover every square. But if you take away two opposite corners from the chessboard, it becomes impossible to tile this new 62-square board. Can you explain why tiling this board isn't possible?
Color in the chessboard, alternating with red and blue tiles. Then color all of your tiles half red and half blue. Whenever you place a tile down, you can always make it so that the red part of the tile is on a red square and the blue part of the tile is on the blue square. Since you'll need to place 31 tiles on the board (to cover the 62 squares), you would have to be able to cover 31 red squares and 31 blue squares. But when you took away the two corners, you can see that you are taking away two red spaces, leaving 30 red squares and 32 blue squares. There is no way to cover 30 red squares and 32 blue squares with the 31 tiles, since these tiles can only cover 31 red squares and 31 blue squares, and thus, tiling this board is not possible.
73.22 %
67 votes

The horse jumps over the king. Strangely there is absolutely no scratch on him. Can you explain, how is it possible?
Horse And King are chess piece and the above action is a part of a chess game.
70.90 %
148 votes
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