simplecleancleverlogicWhat has five fingers but is not alive?
A glove.
cleansimplelogicWeight in my belly,
Trees on my back,
Nails in my ribs,
Feet I do lack.
cleancleversimpleWhat has six faces, but does not wear makeup. It also has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?
A die (dice).
cleancrazyName four days of the week that start with the letter "t"?
Tuesday, Thursday, today, and tomorrow.
simplelogictrickyYou see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?
All the people were married.
simplelogiccleanWhat's the difference between here and there?
T (the letter 't' is added to the front 'here' to spell 'there').
cleansimpleWhat is the similarity between a tooth and a tree?
Both have roots.
logicmathCan you arrange four 9's and use of at most 2 math symbols, make the total be 100?
99 / .99
99 + 9/9
cleansimplelogicCan you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
logicwhat am IcleverI am a vehicle. I spell the same when you read me forwards as well as backwards. What Am I?
Race car.