funny stupid What do snowmen eat for breakfast?
Show me the answer Share riddle funny punny Did you hear about the Italian chef with a terminal illness?
He pastaway.
Show me the answer Share riddle crazy funny stupid What do you get if you cross a Beatle and an Australian dog?
Dingo Starr.
Show me the answer Share riddle
crazy funny stupid What do you get when you cross a chicken and a chihuahua?
Pooched eggs.
Show me the answer Share riddle stupid funny crazy What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?
A milkshake.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean funny simple What kind of dog never bites?
A hot dog.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean funny what am I There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What am I?
This is a watermelon.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny What part of London is in Brazil?
Show me the answer Share riddle funny How do you know carrots are good for your eyes?
Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing glasses?
Show me the answer Share riddle stupid funny What animal uses a nutcracker?
A toothless squirrel.
Show me the answer Share riddle