Best riddles for kids


One company had two factories, in different parts of the country, that were making the same style of shoes. In both factories, workers were stealing shoes. How, without using any security, could that company stop the stealing?
Make one factory make the left shoe, and the other make the right shoe.
74.61 %
85 votes

While mixing sand, gravel, and cement for the foundation of a house, a worker noticed a small bird hopping along the top of the foundation wall. The bird misjudged a hop and fell down one of the holes between the blocks. The bird was down too far for anyone to reach it and the hole was too small for it to fly out of. Someone suggested using two sticks to reach down into the hole and pull the bird out, but this idea was rejected for fear it would injure the fragile bird. What would be the easiest way to get the bird out of the hole without injuring it?
Since they had plenty of sand available, they could pour a little at a time into the hole. The bird would constantly keep shifting its position so that it stood on the rising sand.
74.54 %
66 votes

What is it that you throw away the outer side, then cook the insides and then throw away the insides – what is the name of the item?
Corn on the cob. You throw away the husk, cook and eat the corn kernels and throw away the cob.
74.54 %
66 votes

Why is Santa so good at Karate?
Because he has a black belt.
74.54 %
66 votes

Why did the pilot sit on her alarm clock?
She wanted to be on time.
74.51 %
80 votes