crazy funny tricky When is a yellow dog most likely to enter a house?
When the door is open.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean poems what am I For thousands of years,
Seen only in tale.
The wind as a sail,
For one thunderous gale.
Shiny stores rich in lore,
The burning temper, like Earth's core.
What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic simple What can you catch but not throw?
A cold.
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clean funny logic A man rode out of town on Sunday, he stayed a whole night at a hotel and rode back to town the next day on Sunday. How is this possible?
His Horse was called Sunday!
Show me the answer Share riddle funny crazy Why does the sea twinkle?
It was full of starfish.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean simple logic What jumps when it walks and sits when it stands?
A kangaroo.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic It regulates our daily movements, but it feels no interest in our lives. It directs us when to come and go, but does not care if we pay attention. What is it?
A clock.
Show me the answer Share riddle logic If you were running a race, and you passed the person in 2nd place, what place would you be in now?
You would be in 2nd. Well, you passed the person in second place, not first.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny Who is the silent member of the parliament?
I (The letter "I" is not pronounced in "parliament").
Show me the answer Share riddle love Which one of Santa's reindeer can be seen on Valentines day?
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