clean logic what am I simple Give me food, and I will live.
Give me water, and I will die.
What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle crazy funny What is a frog's favorite game?
Show me the answer Share riddle funny What does this say? Esgg sgeg gegs gsge.
Scrambled eggs.
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clean what am I poems It can't be seen, can't be felt,
can't be heard and can't be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
and empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
ends life and kills laughter.
What is it?
The Dark.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean who am I I build bridges of silver and crowns of gold. Who am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle logic tricky If you had one match and entered a room in which there were a kerosene lamp, an oil burner, and a wood burning stove, which would you light first?
The match.
Show me the answer Share riddle stupid What do you call a fairy that hasn't taken a bath?
Stinker Bell.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic Tall I am young, short I am old. While with life I glow, wind is my foe. What am I?
A candle.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I I eat, I live. I breathe, I live. I drink, I die.
What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle who am I I am as big as you are, but I am weightless. Who am I?
My shadow.
Show me the answer Share riddle