Best riddles for teens


A girl lives in a house with her parents. There is a cellar door in the house, and her parents warn her to never, ever, open it because she's not ready to see what's behind it. What is on the other side of the door that her parents don't want her to see?
The girl is locked in the cellar. Her parents are both crazed people who thought the best way to protect their daughter would be by locking her in the cellar since she was born. On the other side of the door is the rest of the house, and the outside world.
65.16 %
116 votes

Guy de Maupassant hated the Eiffel Tower. So every day, he had lunch in the one place where it couldn't be seen. What was that place?
In the restaurant that was located at the base of the tower.
65.08 %
57 votes
cleanwhat am Isimplepoems

I am a home of knowledge, both banal and profound. In grand halls and small homes I can be found. I am a home for things of many leaves, but my many residents are not living trees. What am I?
64.94 %
150 votes