cleanwhat am IsimplecleverlogicArmored but not a knight, snapping but not a twig, and always at home, even on the move. What am I?
A turtle.
cleanlogicsimpleWhat has a foot but no legs?
A snail.
cleansimplecleverWhat you cannot hold it but it is yours?
Your heart.
crazyfunnycleverWhich is the rope you never skip with?
logicsimpleWhat is red but it smells like a blue paint?
Red paint.
cleanpoemssimpleDie without me,
Never thank me.
Walk right through me,
Never feel me.
Always watching,
Never speaking.
Always lurking,
Never seen.
cleansimpleWhat comes once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a thousand years?
The letter "M".
cleansimpleWhat has a foot on each side and one in the middle?
A yardstick.
cleanwhat am IsimpleI never ask questions, but always answered. What am I?
A doorbell.
simplestupidWhat do you call a fly with no wings?
A walk.