cleancleversimpleWhat has six faces, but does not wear makeup. It also has twenty-one eyes, but cannot see?
A die (dice).
cleansimpleWhat is the similarity between a tooth and a tree?
Both have roots.
logicwhat am IcleverI am a vehicle. I spell the same when you read me forwards as well as backwards. What Am I?
Race car.
punnysimplecleanWhat's orange and sounds like 'parrot'?
A carrot.
cleansimpleWhat tastes better than it smells?
crazyfunnyWhat did the banana do when it heard the ice scream?
It split.
funnyloveWhat do squirrels give each other for Valentine’s Day?
cleanlogicsimpleThere is one thing that goes round the house and also inside the house but never even share a brief touch. What is it?
funnyWhat do you need to spot an iceberg 20 miles away?
Good eyesight.
What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?
A stamp.