Best riddles for kids


If it takes one man three days to dig a hole, how long does it take two men to dig half a hole?
You can't dig half a hole.
69.14 %
110 votes

One winter day, there was a man standing in the middle of someone's front yard. The person stayed there for several weeks without moving and the owner of the yard didn't mind. Eventually the man left. Who was the man?
A snowman.
69.12 %
923 votes

A dead body is found at the bottom of a multistory building. Seeing the position of the body, it is evident that the person jumped from one of the floors, committing suicide. A homicide detective is called to look after the case. He goes to the first floor and walks in the room facing the direction in which the body was found. He opens the window in that direction and flips a coin towards the floor. Then he goes to the second floor and repeats the process. He keeps on doing this until he reaches the last floor. Then, when he climbs down he tells the team that it is a murder not suicide. How did he come to know that it was a murder?
None of the windows were left open. If the person jumped, who closed the window?
69.04 %
897 votes

Galaxy Detective Karamchand was on a case. A spaceship was lost. Her partner, Galaxy Junior Detective Brightstar gave her a piece of paper. This was the location of the spaceship! This is what the slip had scribbled on it: Juice, Umbrella, Potato, Ice, Tomato, Elephant, Rice. Where is the spaceship?
68.96 %
102 votes