Best riddles for kids


Galaxy Detective Karamchand was on a case. A spaceship was lost. Her partner, Galaxy Junior Detective Brightstar gave her a piece of paper. This was the location of the spaceship! This is what the slip had scribbled on it: Juice, Umbrella, Potato, Ice, Tomato, Elephant, Rice. Where is the spaceship?
68.96 %
102 votes

One winter day, there was a man standing in the middle of someone's front yard. The person stayed there for several weeks without moving and the owner of the yard didn't mind. Eventually the man left. Who was the man?
A snowman.
68.95 %
928 votes
logicsimplewho am Iclean

If will follow you for 1000 miles but not miss home. It desires neither food nor flowers. It fears not water, fire, knives, nor soldiers. But it disappears when the sun sets behind the western mountains. Who Am I?
68.94 %
131 votes

A horse is on a 24 foot chain and wants an apple that is 26 feet away. How can the horse get to the apple?
The chain is not attached to anything.
68.93 %
76 votes

Pronounced as one letter, And written with three, Two letters there are, And two only in me. I’m double, I’m single, I’m black blue and gray, I’m read from both ends, And the same either way.
68.90 %
138 votes

Dean Sam and Castiel are three brothers. Interestingly their current age is prime. What's more interesting that difference between their ages is also prime. How old are they?
Sam : 2 Dean : 5 Castiel : 7 Age diff 7 - 2 = '5' is prime 7 - 5 = '2' is prime 5 - 2 = '3' is prime
68.87 %
109 votes