Best riddles for kids


Farmer Brown came to town with some watermelons. He sold half of them plus half a melon and found that he had one whole melon left. How many melons did he take to town?
Easy, three melons.
68.83 %
72 votes

There is bomb on top of a computer; around the computer are a hairbrush, keys, phone and a cup. When the explosion comes, what item destroyed first?
The bomb.
68.81 %
53 votes
cleanwhat am Isimplelogic

Sometimes I am loved, usually by the young. Other times I am dreaded, mostly by the old ones. I am hard to remember, also hard to forget. And yet if you do, You'll make someone upset. I occur every day everyone has to face me. Even if you don't want it to happen; embrace me. What am I?
68.61 %
179 votes

A horse is on a 24 foot chain and wants an apple that is 26 feet away. How can the horse get to the apple?
The chain is not attached to anything.
68.54 %
75 votes