Riddle #78

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Two girls ate dinner together. They both ordered iced tea. One girl drank them very fast and had finished five in the time it took the other to drink just one. The girl who drank one died while the other survived. All of the drinks were poisoned. How is that possible?
The poison was in the ice.
66.27 %
2125 votes

A man is found murdered on a Sunday morning. His wife calls the police, who question the wife and the staff, and are given the following alibis: the wife says she was sleeping, the butler was cleaning the closet, the gardener was picking vegetables, the maid was getting the mail, and the cook was preparing breakfast. Immediately, the police arrest the murdered. Who did it and how did the police know?
The maid. There is no mail on Sundays.
69.05 %
1614 votes

The person who built it sold it. The person who bought it never used it. The person who used it never saw it. What is it?
It's a coffin.
72.66 %
2094 votes