funnycrazyWhy did the boy bury his flashlight?
Because the batteries died.
funnycrazyWhat is a fish without an eye?
funnycrazyWhy does the sea twinkle?
It was full of starfish.
crazyfunnyWhat clothes does a house wear?
crazyfunnyWhy did the banana go to the doctor?
Because it was not peeling well.
crazyfunnyWhat did the schizophrenic bookkeeper say?
I hear invoices!
crazypunnyWhat is the softest nut in the entire world?
A Donut.
crazyfunnyWhat do little trees say on Halloween?
Twig or treat.
crazyfunnyWhat fish can help you to build a house?
A hammerhead shark.
crazyfunnyWhat's round and bad-tempered?
A vicious circle.