clean what am I simple If you throw me out the window, I'll leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but through the door, You'll see someone giving life. What am I?
The letter 'n'. Throw out the letter n from the word window and you have widow. Bring back the word n to door and you have donor.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple clever I do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal every day. What am I?
A plant (photosynthesis).
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple I am always will be coming, but I will never come. What Am I?
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clean what am I I am taken from a mine,
and shut up in a wooden case
from which I’m never released,
and yet I am used by many.
What am I?
Pencil lead.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I crazy I have 4 eyes, but I cannot see! What Am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I I weigh almost nothing. I am lighter than air. But even the strongest man in the world cannot lift me. What Am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic what am I poems I’m teary-eyed but never cry,
silver-tongued, but never lie.
double-winged, but never fly,
air-cooled, but never dry.
What am I?
Mercury. The element looks shiny, silver, and is wet. The god Mercury has two wings but only uses them to run.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic what am I simple I move very slowly at an imperceptible rate, although I take my time, I am never late. I accompany life, and survive past demise, I am viewed with esteem in many women's eyes. What am I?
I am your hair.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic what am I The thunder comes before the lightning; the lightning comes before the clouds. The rain dries everything it touches. What am I?
A volcano.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I A name of an animal minus the first three letters plus a flat piece of wood. What am I ?
(MON) KEY + board= Keyboard
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