Short difficult what am I riddles

cleanwhat am Isimple

If you throw me out the window, I'll leave a grieving wife. Bring me back, but through the door, You'll see someone giving life. What am I?
The letter 'n'. Throw out the letter n from the word window and you have widow. Bring back the word n to door and you have donor.
74.21 %
79 votes
cleanlogicwhat am Ipoems

I’m teary-eyed but never cry, silver-tongued, but never lie. double-winged, but never fly, air-cooled, but never dry. What am I?
Mercury. The element looks shiny, silver, and is wet. The god Mercury has two wings but only uses them to run.
71.12 %
153 votes
what am I

A name of an animal minus the first three letters plus a flat piece of wood. What am I ?
(MON) KEY + board= Keyboard
68.38 %
56 votes
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