Best riddles


I know a number which when multiplied by multiple of 9 i.e 9 18 27 36 45 ... The output consist of number containing only one digit. Can you identify the number?
12345679 12345679 × 9 = 111111111 (only 1s) 12345679 × 18 = 222222222 (only 2s) 12345679 × 27 = 333333333 (only 3s) 12345679 × 36 = 444444444 (only 4s) 12345679 × 45 = 555555555 (only 5s)
71.29 %
58 votes

Dave is put in a cell with a dirt floor and only one window. The window is too high for him to reach. The only thing in the cell is a shovel. He won't be able to get any food or water and only has two days to escape or he'll die. Dave can't dig a tunnel because it will take him much longer than two days to do it. How will Dave escape from the cell?
Dave has to use the shovel to create a pile of dirt under the window so he can climb up onto it and escape from the cell.
71.23 %
173 votes

A clock chimes 5 times in 4 seconds. How many times will it chime in 10 seconds?
11 times. It chimes at zero and then once every second for 10 seconds.
71.22 %
62 votes

How far can a fox run into a grove?
Only halfway - then he’s running out of it!
71.22 %
62 votes

This guy living on the 20th floor in an apartment building got up early each morning to go to work in a downtown store. He always went into the elevator on the 20th floor and rode down to the entrance (1st floor). When he came home he always rode the elevator from the entrance and up to the 8th floor. He walked out of the elevator and walked the stairs up to his apartment on the 20th floor. Why didn't he take the elevator all the way up to his apartment?
This guy is midget and can only reach to the 8th floor button.
71.22 %
62 votes