Riddle #962

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cleanlogicwhat am Ipoems

I’m teary-eyed but never cry, silver-tongued, but never lie. double-winged, but never fly, air-cooled, but never dry. What am I?
Mercury. The element looks shiny, silver, and is wet. The god Mercury has two wings but only uses them to run.
70.78 %
155 votes
cleanpoemswho am I

Two sisters we are, one is dark and one is fair, In twin towers dwelling we're quite the pair, One from land and one from sea, Tell us truly, who are we?
The answer is salt and pepper.
73.36 %
233 votes

The front of me is the source of a song Or to kiss with a fervor of love lifelong. My back is a plant fit for a queen, Crafted by needle, chemical, or machine.
68.96 %
102 votes

Four jolly men sat down to play, and played all night till break of day. They played for gold and not for fun, with separate scores for every one. Yet when they came to square accounts, they all had made quite fair amounts! Can you the paradox explain? If no one lost, how could all gain?
The players were musician.
72.48 %
120 votes