what am I funny I plow and plow, but never sow. What am I?
A pig.
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clean funny what am I Take me for a spin and I'll make you cool, but use me in the winter and you're fool.
What am I?
A fan.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny what am I Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side than their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?
The outside of the cat of course!
Show me the answer Share riddle clean funny what am I There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What am I?
This is a watermelon.
Show me the answer Share riddle funny tricky What is the center of Gravity?
The letter V.
Show me the answer Share riddle poems what am I simple logic Poke your fingers in my eyes
and I will open wide my jaws.
Linen cloth, quills, or paper,
I will devour them all.
What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean mystery what am I simple logic I have cities, but no houses. I have mountains, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
A map.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I Although I may have eyes, I cannot see. I have a round brown face with lots of acne. What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple I live in the woods.
I'm very big and furry.
I have a big nose, a little tail
and four legs.
I like to eat fish and berries.
I am a...
Show me the answer Share riddle crazy funny What did the banana do when it heard the ice scream?
It split.
Show me the answer Share riddle tricky funny The red house is on the white street, and the blue house is on the red street. Where is the white house?
Washington, DC.
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