Hard what am I riddles

what am I

A name of an animal minus the first three letters plus a flat piece of wood. What am I ?
(MON) KEY + board= Keyboard
68.38 %
56 votes
cleanfunnywhat am I

There was a green house. Inside the green house there was a white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. Inside the red house there were lots of babies. What am I?
This is a watermelon.
67.74 %
150 votes
what am Itricky

While I am in air, I am not in oxygen. I am also in water, but not in hydrogen. I am necessary in all animals, but you won't find me in the zoo. Look in all brains and you'll find me there too. What am I?
The Letter A.
66.53 %
200 votes
cleanlogicwhat am I

I have billions of eyes, yet i live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet i rule two hemispheres. What am I?
I am the human brain. The brain has billions of optic and auditory nerves, four lobes and two hemispheres, and is an organ of the human body.
64.49 %
188 votes
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