clever what am I I take what you receive and surrender it all by waving my flag. What am I?
A mailbox.
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Similar riddles See also best riddles or new riddles .
what am I clever You have me today,
Tomorrow you'll have more.
As your time passes,
I'm not easy to store.
I don't take up space,
But I'm only in one place.
I am what you saw,
But not what you see.
What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I simple clever clean I always work under pressure and by myself is the only way I'm hurt.
I was formed under pressure and for woman I'm pleasure.
What am I?
A diamond.
Show me the answer Share riddle logic what am I clever I am a vehicle. I spell the same when you read me forwards as well as backwards. What Am I?
Race car.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple clever I do not eat food. But I do enjoy a light meal every day. What am I?
A plant (photosynthesis).
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I simple clever clean You will throw me away when you want to use me. You will take me in when you don’t want to use me. What am I?
An anchor.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I logic clever clean simple I have more than 80 keys, but I cannot open any lock. What Am I?
A piano.
Show me the answer Share riddle what am I simple logic clever clean I don’t have eyes, ears, nose and tongue, but I can see, smell, hear and taste everything. What am I?
A brain.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean simple clever logic what am I I run over fields and woods all day. Under the bed at night I sit, never alone. My tongue hangs out, up and to the rear, waiting to be filled in the morning. What am I?
A shoe.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple clever logic Armored but not a knight, snapping but not a twig, and always at home, even on the move. What am I?
A turtle.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple clever logic I am something to make you think, I am something to make you know. I am something to which the answer you might never know. What am I?
A riddle.
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