Easy tricky riddles


If an electric train is going east at 60 miles an hour and there is a strong westerly wind, which way does the smoke from the train drift?
Here is no smoke coming from electric trains.
64.35 %
59 votes

A frog is at the bottom of a well. It is a 30 foot climb to get out. Each morning, the frog jumps 3 feet up the path out, but each night, as it sleeps, it slips back 2 feet down. Thus, at the beginning of the first day, the frog has 30 feet to go, at the beginning of the second day it has 29 feet to go, and so on. How many days does it take the frog to get out of the well?
It takes 28 days for the frog to get out (it gets out on the morning of the 28th day). This is because on the beginning of the 28th day, the frog has 3 feet left to travel. Because the frog jumps 3 feet forward each morning, it will jump out of the well on this day.
64.27 %
202 votes

A petshop owner had a parrot with a sign on its cage that said "Parrot repeats everything it hears". Davey bought the parrot and for two weeks he spoke to it and it didn't say a word. He returned the parrot but the shopkeeper said he never lied about the parrot. How can this be?
The parrot was deaf.
63.30 %
76 votes

There are three houses. One is red, one is blue, and one is white. If the red house is to the left of the house in the middle, and the blue house is to the right to the house in the middle, where is the white house?
In Washington, D.C.!
63.08 %
366 votes

How many apples can you put in an empty box?
Zero. When you put an apple, it no longer remains empty. Others say one. After you put one in there, it is not empty.
63.05 %
121 votes

A woman depended on a public telephone to make her calls, but it was usually out of order. Each day she reported this to the phone company, but nothing was done. Finally she came up with a fib that she told the phone company. The phone was fixed the next day. What did she tell them?
She told them that people were making calls without having to pay.
61.71 %
168 votes

There are a number of books on a shelf. If one book is the 6th from the left and 4th from the right, how many books are on the shelf?
There are 9 books on the shelf.
61.71 %
168 votes

A cat had three kittens: January, March and May. What was the mother's name.
What. It is stated 'WHAT' was the mother's name.
57.27 %
101 votes
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