what am I mystery logic I visit you every night even if you don't call me. I'm lost every day. What Am I?
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clean logic what am I What word in the English language does the following: the first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great man, the first six letters signify a drug, while the entire world signifies a great woman. What is the word?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple logic When it comes to me, you go on red and stops on green. What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic what am I poems You bury me when I am alive,
and dig me up when I die.
What am I?
A plant.
Show me the answer Share riddle logic what am I simple The more you take away, the bigger I become. What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple logic Look at me. I can bring a smile to your face, a tear to your eye, or even a thought to your mind. But, I can't be seen. What am I?
Show me the answer Share riddle logic what am I clean simple What gets wet while it's drying?
A towel.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean logic what am I simple What do you throw out when you want to use it, but take in when you don't want to use it?
An anchor.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple logic I go around all the places, cities, towns and villages, but never come inside. What am I?
A street.
Show me the answer Share riddle logic what am I clever I am a vehicle. I spell the same when you read me forwards as well as backwards. What Am I?
Race car.
Show me the answer Share riddle clean what am I simple logic Its ready to walk when I'm all tied up, but really should stop when I'm untied. What am I?
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