Riddle #128

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One company had two factories, in different parts of the country, that were making the same style of shoes. In both factories, workers were stealing shoes. How, without using any security, could that company stop the stealing?
Make one factory make the left shoe, and the other make the right shoe.
74.61 %
85 votes
cleanlogicwhat am I

I'm a fruit. If you take away my first letter, I'm a crime. If you take away my first two letters, I'm an animal. If you take away my first and last letters, I'm a form of music. What am I?
72.58 %
74 votes

How many apples can you put in an empty box?
Zero. When you put an apple, it no longer remains empty. Others say one. After you put one in there, it is not empty.
63.05 %
121 votes

Using only and all the numbers 3, 3, 7, 7, along with the arithmetic operations +,-,*, and /, can you come up with a calculation that gives the number 24? No decimal points allowed. [For example, to get the number 14, we could do 3 * (7 - (7 / 3))]
7 * ((3 / 7) + 3) = 24
74.05 %
60 votes