Long medium funny riddles


One day a boss said to her employees, "I can fight and beat any man who works here." A new employee, a seven-foot-tall ex-prize fighter, stood up to take on the boss. The boss kept her word, but did not beat the man or back down. What did the boss do?
She fired the new employee on the spot.
71.59 %
108 votes

August was the name of a puppy who was always picking on larger animals. One day he got into an argument with a lion. The next day was the first day of September. Why?
Because that was the last of August.
70.33 %
145 votes

There was once a college that offered a class on probability applied to the real world. The class was relatively easy, but there was a catch. There were no homework assignments or tests, but there was a final exam that would have only one question on it. When everyone received the test it was a blank sheet of paper with a solitary question on it: "What is risk?" Most students were able to pass, but only one student received 100% for the class! Even stranger was that he only wrote down one word! What did he write?
He, brilliant student, wrote down: "This".
69.05 %
106 votes
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