Best hard riddles for teens


You see a boat filled with people. It has not sunk, but when you look again you don't see a single person on the boat. Why?
All the people were married.
73.90 %
96 votes

What is unusual about the following words: revive, banana, grammar, voodoo, assess, potato, dresser, uneven?
Take the first letter of each word and place it at the end. It will spell the same word backwards.
73.79 %
100 votes

Brothers, all pair up; Bodies firm and tall. You only care to eat the solid food, And don’t care to eat the soup.
73.64 %
59 votes

A farmer lived in a small village. He had three sons. One day he gave $100 dollars to his sons and told them to go to market. The three sons should buy 100 animals for $100 dollars. In the market there were chickens, hens and goats. Cost of a goat is $10, cost of a hen is $5 and cost of a chicken is $0.50. There should be at least one animal from each group. The farmer’s sons should spend all the money on buying animals. There should be 100 animals, not a single animal more or less! What do the sons buy?
They purchased 100 animals for 100 dollars. $10 spent to purchase 1 goat. $45 spent to purchase 9 hens. $45 spent to purchase 90 chickens.
73.64 %
95 votes