cleanfunnylogicYou leave home, make three left turns, and return home where you find two men wearing masks. Who are they?
A catcher and an umpire.
cleanlogicsimpleWhen will a net hold water?
When the water is frozen.
cleanfunnyTeddy bears are never hungry because they are always what?
cleanfunnyWhat did the store clerk say to the woman who asked to try on the dress in the window?
I'm sorry Ma'am, you'll have to use the dressing room.
cleanlogicsimplecleverIt is an insect, and the first part of its name is the name of another insect. What is it?
logicsimplecleanName the only sport in which the ball is always in possession of the team on defense, and the offensive team can score without touching the ball?
cleanfunnyWhat can you lose that will cause other people to lose theirs too?
Your temper.
cleanfunnytrickyWhat is at the end of a rainbow?
The letter W.
cleansimplelogicCan you name three consecutive days without using the words Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, or Sunday
Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.
cleantrickyWhat jumps higher than a building?
All animals and people can jump higher than a building. Buildings do not jump.