Clean riddles


There are five vowels in English language (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y). Easy version: Can you tell us a word contains of these 5 vowels? Hard: Can you tell us a word contains of all these 6 vowels with y? Very difficult: Can you tell us a word contains of all these vowels with y in their alphabetical order?
Unquestionably In their alphabetical order: Facetiously Abstemiously Adventitiously
73.41 %
63 votes

Six glasses are in a row. The first three are filled with milk and the last three are empty. By moving only one glass, can you arrange them so that the full and the empty glasses alternate?
Just pour full glass of milk at 2nd position in 5th glass(empty) and keep that empty glass back at 2nd position. Then full and empty glasses are at alternate positions.
73.40 %
72 votes
cleanpoemswho am I

Two sisters we are, one is dark and one is fair, In twin towers dwelling we're quite the pair, One from land and one from sea, Tell us truly, who are we?
The answer is salt and pepper.
73.36 %
233 votes