Math riddles for teens with simple answers


An infinite number of mathematicians are standing behind a bar. The first asks the barman for half a pint of beer, the second for a quarter pint, the third an eighth, and so on. How many pints of beer will the barman need to fulfill all mathematicians' wishes?
Just one.
74.16 %
106 votes

How do you make the number 7 an even number without addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division?
Drop the "S".
72.70 %
70 votes

As I was going to the mall I met a man with seven wives. Each wive held two bags, each bag held a mother cat, each mother cat had six babies, How many people were going to the mall?
Just one.
72.05 %
64 votes

Think of a number. Double it. Add ten. Half it. Take away the number you started with. What is your number?
Your number is 5.
71.88 %
55 votes

On the first day they cover one quarter of the total distance. The next day they cover one quarter of what is left. The following day they cover two fifths of the remainder and on the fourth day half of the remaining distance. The group now have 14 miles left, how many miles have they walked?
68.962962 miles
71.45 %
75 votes
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