Long what am I riddles

funnywhat am I

Scientists have proven that cats have more hair on one side than their other side. Some people believe that this is because when cats lay on their side they need insulation from the cold on the floor or ground. Which side of a cat has more hair?
The outside of the cat of course!
71.80 %
76 votes
cleanlogicwhat am Isimple

I move very slowly at an imperceptible rate, although I take my time, I am never late. I accompany life, and survive past demise, I am viewed with esteem in many women's eyes. What am I?
I am your hair.
70.74 %
89 votes
cleanwhat am Ipoems

It can't be seen, can't be felt, can't be heard and can't be smelt. It lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills. It comes first and follows after, ends life and kills laughter. What is it?
The Dark.
70.01 %
173 votes
cleanwhat am Isimplelogic

I am pronounced as a one letter alphabet. I am written with three letters. I am complete with just two letters. I am double. I am blue I am black I am brown I am gray I am yellow and I am green. I can read from both ends. I appear the same every way! What am I?
69.73 %
101 votes
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