Simple riddles


A number of people have broken the sound barrier, either in a super-fast car, or in nice fancy planes. However, hundreds of years ago it was broken on horseback. How?
Many people who ride horses carry whips. They crack the whip while they ride the horse. When a whip is cracked, the tip travels faster than the speed of sound, which makes the loud snap. It actually creates a miniature sonic boom of sorts. The whip breaks the sound barrier, thus, it was broken on horseback.
71.56 %
67 votes

If you have two coins which total 35 cents and one of the coins is not a dime, what are the two coins?
A quarter and a dime. One coin is not a dime, but the other one is.
71.56 %
67 votes

Without looking at a calendar, within a minute name a boys name using 5 consecutive first letters of 5 consecutive months.
JASON - July August September October November.
71.44 %
147 votes